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Learn to walk away from a deal

There are plenty of times you come across scenarios where you have worked so hard for a contract or a deal but the terms are just not in your favor and the other party won’t budge. You start thinking, “maybe in the long run this will work out, and I’ll just take the hit now and sign it.” My advice, DON’T SIGN IT. A good deal is one where everyone involved makes money. You should always be willing to walk away from a sale, deal, or a partnership agreement if it is not working out for you. Chances are if you’re getting screwed on it today, you’ll definitely be screwed in the long run too. I look back at so many contracts, partnership agreements, and sales that didn’t go through as I had planned and I remember being really bummed out about it. Today I can confidently say that most of those worked out in my favor. There were many partnership agreements that would’ve pushed me out of business. There were plenty of contracts I just was not ready for and I’m glad I didn’t win those. I am not saying don’t strive for more, always go out of your comfort zone and reach for the highest level, but if you don’t get it, don’t spend too much time being upset about it. Get yourself back up and do it again. If it is a partnership agreement and the other party is not treating you well in it, WALK AWAY. You have to know what you’re worth for people to know it.

Abbas Haider -
Entrepreneur, Philanthropist & Speaker

Abbas Haider was born to lead. He became an entrepreneur at the tender age of six when he started SBSC, a company that resold computer accessories to a local electronics store.  Though he was young he was a skilled negotiator, regularly brokering deals with mature business owners. After he moved to the United States, his passion for start-ups grew.

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